Prepare Your McLaren for Winter Storage with Advice from McLaren Denver

December 6th, 2022 by

McLaren Artura interior

Keep Up on McLaren Maintenance Even During Winter to Prepare for Storage

Are you looking to start the process of storing your high-end McLaren for the winter in Colorado? Let McLaren Denver in Highlands Ranch, CO, help you make sure that everything in your vehicle is ready to be safely stored for the season. Our team of Service Center technicians will be happy to make sure that various fluids are topped off, as well as ensure that all various components of your McLaren are not damaged. We would also like to offer quick tips about making sure when you store your high-end vehicle, you do so properly to keep its condition as pristine as possible. 

McLaren Storage Tips & Maintenance

Suggested Maintenance Procedures – When you are ready to start storing your vehicle, we advise you to schedule an appointment with our Service Center for several maintenance procedures. These include having all fluids such as oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and others  replaced or topped off. This allows you to be confident that when you start up your vehicle again in spring, it will start up without any issues. We also suggest having your battery tested for various forms of wear and damage such as corrosion. We can supply your vehicle with a recommended replacement if needed as well. 

Storage Tips – If you have a special area of your garage that is climate-controlled, this makes the best place to store your McLaren for the winter. The consistent temperature will help keep all elements of the vehicle reliable when it starts back up in the springtime. We also suggest that you invest in a dust cover for your McLaren. This will prevent scratches and dust from getting on your vehicle’s exterior to keep it as showroom quality after you remove the cover. It is also advisable to remove the battery from the vehicle once it is parked in the garage and place it in an equally safe location. Doing so will ensure that your battery remains fresh when it is reinstalled. 

(Photo Credit: McLaren)